Part 3: Warm Up Attitude

Crosswalk sign

What if adding 10 to 20 minutes to each of your workouts really decreased your risk of injury and improved your physical stamina and performance? Well, it’s true and it can be a reality for you if you develop a positive warm up attitude!

To develop a positive warm up attitude, you must first understand the benefits and importance of warm ups. When executed properly, a warm-up can have a multitude of beneficial effects on your exercise session and, consequently, your overall health.

Let's take a look at some physical benefits of a proper warm up:

Click here to learn about: Physical Benefits

We all prepare differently for exercise when it comes to psyching yourself up mentally. Different things work for different people; so finding what works for you is the goal.

Let's take a look at some ways to prepare yourself mentally for physical activity:

Click here to learn about: Mental Preparation

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