Pop Quiz 2 Feedback


1. Warming up before performing cardiovascular exercise does NOT:
a.    Prepare your body and mind for physical activity
b.    Decrease blood flow *
c.    Decrease the risk of injury
d.    Improve your overall performance

a. Wrong, warm ups do prepare your body and mind for physical activity.
b. Correct, performing a proper warm up does not decrease blood flow.
c. Wrong, warm ups can decrease the risk of injury.
d. Wrong, warm ups can improve your overall performance.

2. Warm ups are important because they can:
(Select all that apply)
a.    Improve overall performance *
b.    Prepare your heart for activity increase *
c.    Make you stronger
d.    Reduce the chance of injury *
e.    Decrease blood flow

a. Correct, warm ups can improve overall performance by preparing your body and mind for the intended activity.
b. Correct, warm ups do prepare your heart for activity increase by increasing your blood flow and respiratory rate.
c. Wrong, warm ups do not make you stronger, but they can improve your overall performance.
d. Correct, warm ups can reduce the chance of injury by allowing your muscles to be more flexible.
e. Wrong, warm ups do not decrease blood flow; it increases instead.

3. What can often be identified during a warm up?
a.    Dangerous animals
b.    Grocery shopping list
c.    Illnesses or injuries *
d.    Hazardous environments

a. Wrong, identifying dangerous animals during a warm up is uncommon, unless you are exercising in an area where there could be wild animals. If that is the case, it would unwise to continue at that current location.
b. Wrong, identifying your grocery shopping list is not something you should focus on during a warm up. Instead, try to relax and envision performing your intended activity.
c. Correct, it is common and recommended to identify any illnesses or injuries during or after a warm up.
d. Wrong, occasionally you may come across hazardous environments, but for the most part, this is not usually identified during a warm up.